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HOPPE is committed to helping people in need: Support for the residential module project in Ukraine

Amidst the ongoing challenges in Ukraine, the Ukraine Aid Association (“Verein Ukraine Hilfe”) from Herisau (CH) is demonstrating solidarity and hope. Their project “Your donation makes a home” focuses on enabling small, prefabricated residential units – known as residential modules – to be built in order to help people who have lost their homes as a result of the ongoing war.

HOPPE is actively contributing to financing the construction of these urgently needed residential modules. The 19-square-metre modules are designed for one to two people and are manufactured in the Winnyzja region of Ukraine by Divario Ukraine GmbH. The production and assembly costs are kept low by training Ukrainian employees in Switzerland. These small dwellings are already preassembled ready for move-in during production and installed around 270 kilometres north of the Divario site. The costs for one module amount to around CHF 23,500. So far, 85 such modules have already been installed and handed over to the population thanks to donations.

19-square-metre module, manufactured in the Winnyzja region of Ukraine by Divario Ukraine GmbH
19-square-metre module, manufactured in the Winnyzja region of Ukraine by Divario Ukraine GmbH

Particularly in the winter months, this aid is of crucial significance. The cold season requires increased efforts to improve the living conditions of people in Ukraine. The residential modules not only offer affected people a roof over their heads, but also hope and support.

HOPPE strongly supports the Ukraine Aid Association’s (Verein Ukraine Hilfe) project and thus makes a significant contribution to rebuilding the livelihoods of people who have lost their homes as a result of the war in Ukraine.

Visit the website of the Ukraine Aid Association (Verein Ukraine Hilfe) for more detailed information on the project.

Every donation, regardless of its amount, contributes to improving the lives of those most affected by the impact of the crisis in Ukraine. The support of HOPPE and other donors is an opportunity to make a positive difference in people’s lives and to give hope for a better future.

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