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Relaxed Holidays – How to Avoid Infection While Travelling

The time has almost come: the summer holidays are about to start and with them the holiday season. Many of us jump in the car and immediately head to the North Sea, the Adriatic or Riviera once schools have broken up. If you need a break on the road, you head to a service station to rest for a moment, grab a bite – or freshen up in the sanitary facilities. Ideally, these should be clean, germ-free and equipped with enough soap and disposable towels to cope with heavy traffic at the start of the holiday season. After all, regular hand hygiene is particularly important when travelling at high temperatures, as a humid climate accelerates the spread of pathogenic bacteria and germs. It goes without saying that this does not only apply to motorway service stations: people travelling by train or plane also need to be able to wash their hands properly, at the train station or airport, as well as in train or aircraft toilets.

But what if the hand hygiene facilities are inadequate or the previous user didn’t pay sufficient attention to hygiene (it is thought that only one third of men and two thirds of women wash their hands after going to the toilet)? Then the door handle leading out of the sanitary facilities will become a dumping ground for germs that can trigger all kinds of unpleasant diseases. This risk can be averted either by not touching handles and other surfaces at all with your hands – doors can be (carefully!) opened with your foot – or by treating them with a disinfectant wipe before touching them. By the way, toilet seats are much less contaminated with germs than door handles or toilet lids...

Of course, it would be even simpler if handles in areas like these were equipped with an antibacterial finish as standard – such as SecuSan® handles from HOPPE! These handles look like completely normal door or window handles, but can do much more: they stop the growth of germs and bacteria on the handle. This is achieved by silver ions in the finish: they destroy the cell membrane of germs and thus block the breathing and food intake of the cell. Cell division is halted, the germ dies and cannot transfer to the next user. As handles with SecuSan® finish are also completely maintenance-free, they are a real help in sanitary facilities that are used by a particularly high number of people during the holiday season. Click here to find more information on the topic!

Handles with SecuSan® finish are also completely maintenance-free, they are a real help in sanitary facilities that are used by a particularly high number of people during the holiday season.

Further Articles on the Topic
Antibacterial / Antimicrobial Handles HOPPE

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