Security Hardware

A security handle set for entrance doors offers effective protection against manipulation of the lock and cylinder and thus makes access more difficult for potential burglars. The security class must correspond to the individual risk assessment, but at least to security class ES1 or SK2.
HOPPE – Handle of excellence.
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The door as a source of danger

One of the possible entry points for burglars is the door to your house or apartment. Thanks to the excellent educational work carried out by the police amongst others, doors are often equipped with security hardware. Good technical security systems mean that almost half of all forced entry attempts fail. In contrast, doors which do not have the right security measures are almost an invitation to burglars!

Solid protection both day and night

One visible security measure is a security handle from HOPPE. These protect the lock and cylinder on entrance doors from direct mechanical attack and render forced turning of the profile cylinder difficult.

Solid protection both day and night

HOPPE burglary protection solutions for the door

HOPPE burglary protection solutions for the door
  1. The screws of the backplate should not be visible from the outside. As the screws are covered, the backplate cannot be unscrewed from the outside and the profile cylinder remains protected.
  1. With a cylinder cover, the profile cylinder is even more protected, preventing it from being broken off or pulled out.
Four security grades (SK) are defined in the standard DIN EN 1906, spanning from low (ES0/SK1) to extra high burglary resistance (ES3/SK4).

HOPPE security hardware meets the requirements of the European standard DIN EN 1906. Four security grades (SK) are defined in this standard, spanning from low (ES0/SK1) to extra high burglary resistance (ES3/SK4). The term ES (“Einbruch-Schutz”, or “break-in protection”) is only common in Germany and refers to the German standard DIN 18257 (with different numbering).

Security hardware with mild burglary resistance ES0 (SK1)

Security hardware with mild burglary resistance ES0 (SK1)

HOPPE security hardware of the ES0 (SK1) security class offers increased protection compared with usual door hardware. As the standard for this security class does not provide for a cylinder cover or steel drill protection, this hardware is suitable for entrance doors with a low risk of break-ins, such as

  • doors to apartments or rooms which are already sufficiently protected due to strongly secured outside doors
  • doors which do not have any other security features
Security hardware with mild burglary resistance ES0 (SK1)

Security hardware with moderate burglary resistance ES1 (SK2)

Security hardware with moderate burglary resistance ES1 (SK2)

HOPPE security hardware of the ES1 (SK2) security class is available with or without cylinder cover. It has a protective steel plate and a two-layer steel sub-construction underneath, and is fixed with steel lugs. The police recommend ES1 security hardware as a standard. It is suitable, for example,

  • for houses in areas which are less at risk of break-ins, like areas with attentive neighbours, guard dogs, etc.
Security hardware with moderate burglary resistance ES1 (SK2)
HOPPE security escutcheon with protective steel plate

By the way: HOPPE also provides security escutcheons for class ES1. As they have smaller dimensions, the protective steel plate is fixed directly to the lock case. Security escutcheons are typically combined with a pull handle.

Security hardware with high burglary resistance ES2 (SK3)

Security hardware with high burglary resistance ES2 (SK3)

HOPPE security hardware of security class ES2 (SK3) with cylinder cover is prescribed by insurance companies for increased risks (high insurance values). The police recommend ES2 (SK3) security hardware for increased protection requirements, for example, for a house whose location places it particularly at risk. This applies, for example,

  • to remote houses
  • to apartments which are unoccupied for long periods, such as holiday apartments or second homes
Security hardware with high burglary resistance ES2 (SK3)

Security hardware with extra high burglary resistance ES3 (SK4)

Security hardware with extra high burglary resistance ES3 (SK4)

HOPPE security hardware of security class ES3 (SK4) is equipped with a cylinder cover (ZA) and a 10 mm-thick, hardened steel plate. Due to its extremely burglary-resistant properties, the police recommend ES3 (SK4) security hardware for very high protection requirements, for example, for a house whose location places it at exceptional risk. This is the case,

  • for very remote houses
  • for certain residential areas with a very high crime level
  • if highly valuable objects are stored in the house
Security hardware with extra high burglary resistance ES3 (SK4)

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