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HLS® 9000 Multipoint and Single Point Hardware

The HLS® 9000 Stainless Steel Multipoint Locking System prevents the unwelcome intrusion of rust and corrosion, in addition to providing safety and security. The variety of locking point options allows for a wide range of applications on doors of virtually any height.

HOPPE HLS® 9000 Locking Systems have a proven track record. Our products have been used on the Florida coast, the Caribbean islands, Hawaii and nearly everywhere in between. Experience has shown that we have some of the most reliable, corrosion resistant multipoint locks in the market even in these coastal environments.

If you are still not convinced, simply look to our HLS® lifetime finish warranty.


HOPPE USA Jig Systems Edition 2 (PDF)

HOPPE USA HLS® 9000 Multipoint Swing Door Hardware – Edition 7 (PDF)

Swing Hook
16 mm Faceplate
Swing Hook + Shootbolt
Tongue + Shootbolt
Roundbolt + Shootbolt
Two Roller
Roller + Shootbolt
Four Roller
Automatic Tongue
Automatic Two Roller
Tongue 20 mm
Tongue + Shootbolt 20 mm
Shootbolt 20 mm
Inactive Shootbolt 16/20
Inactive Shootbolt 16/25
Inactive Shootbolt 3-piece 16/20
Inactive Shootbolt 3-piece 16/25
Inactive Shootbolt 20/20
Inactive Shootbolt 20/25
Inactive Flushbolt
Single Point
Latch Strikes
Multipoint Strikes