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Industry Golf Day Raises Funds for Children’s Hospices

On 29 June, HOPPE (UK) joined forces with other key members of the fenestration and hardware industry for a game of golf and to help raise funds for GM Fundraising in support of Hope House Children’s Hospices.

The golf day event was organised by Clearview and Pro Installer magazines and was hosted at Hickleton Golf Club in Doncaster. The sun shone down upon 70 golfers all vying to be the overall winners and to raise as much cash in the process for such a worthy cause.

As well as an 18-round golf course competition, an auction took place in the evening with prizes donated by each team. These efforts have resulted in £7,410 being raised for such a worthy cause.

On 29 June, HOPPE (UK) joined forces with other key members of the fenestration and hardware industry for a game of golf and to help raise funds for GM Fundraising in support of Hope House Children’s Hospices.

HOPPE (UK) CEO, Ged Ryan, and head of sales, Andy Matthews, took part in the event, with Ged winning the “nearest the pin” award on the sixth hole and Andy being one of only five players to “beat the pro”.

“Despite not being the overall winning team, we were just pleased to be able to take part and raise some vital funds,” said Ged. “Over £20,000 have now been raised over the past two fundraising golf days, which is a great achievement.”

GM Fundraising was established in 1995 and largely dedicates itself to Hope House Children’s Hospices in Oswestry and Conwy. The two hospices provide specialist nursing care and support to children with life-limiting conditions.

We’d like to thank our friends at Clearview and Pro Installer for such a great day and we look forward to the next tee-off!

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