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How SecuSan® door handles can stop gastrointestinal infections

Antibacterial / Antimicrobial Handles

How SecuSan® door handles can stop gastrointestinal infections

Gastrointestinal infections are very unpleasant and often occur during the summer. This may be due to the fact that people often eat outdoors when the weather is good: on the one hand, bacteria multiply particularly well in food in warm weather, and on the other hand, barbecued meat may be contaminated with bacteria.

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Keeping germs under control at the daycare centre

Antibacterial / Antimicrobial Handles

Keeping germs under control at the daycare centre

Daycare centres for children are regarded as multipliers of all kinds of infections. From the relatively harmless – but nonetheless unpleasant – viral infections associated with cold or gastrointestinal symptoms, to severe bacterial infections.

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Improving hygiene in care homes: SecuSan® handles

Antibacterial / Antimicrobial Handles

Improving hygiene in care homes: SecuSan® handles

Hygiene and germs are a major topic in retirement and care homes. Because their residents often have a weakened immune system due to their age or pre-existing conditions and are therefore more susceptible to infections.

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Beat the common cold with SecuSan® handles from HOPPE

Antibacterial / Antimicrobial Handles

Beat the common cold with SecuSan® handles from HOPPE

They're suddenly out again in force: People sneezing and carrying tissues. The cold virus season is here!

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