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Privacy Policy

Pursuant to Chinese laws and regulations, this Policy is developed by the HOPPE Holding AG (hereinafter referred to as the “HOPPE”) to process your personal information.

1. Information processed by HOPPE

  • For the purpose of corporate promotion, HOPPE will collect, store, use, and transmit abroad your location information and phone number after obtaining your explicit consent.
  • For the purpose of providing product check and repair, HOPPE will collect, store, use, and transmit abroad your name, phone number, email address, location information, and cookies after obtaining your explicit consent. If you do not provide relevant information, you may not be able to enjoy some of the services we provide, or may not be able to achieve the desired results of the relevant services.

2. Your rights

Regarding your personal information, you can contact HOPPE through the following methods to exercise legal rights such as viewing, copying, correcting, and deleting.

* Notice: Before providing your personal data to HOPPE, please review this policy. Providing personal data to HOPPE by email is considered as consent to HOPPE’s privacy policy.

3. HOPPE’s Storage of Information

HOPPE is committed to keeping your information for the minimum time necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was processed, unless otherwise required by law or regulation. HOPPE adopts various security technologies and procedures to prevent the loss, improper use, unauthorized reading, or disclosure of information.

4. Rules for the use of information

4.1 HOPPE will use the collected information within the purposes specified in this Policy.

4.2 If HOPPE uses your information beyond the purpose or reasonable scope of this Policy, HOPPE must inform you again and obtain your explicit consent before changing the purpose or scope of use.

4.3 If HOPPE modifies this Policy, HOPPE will notify you by prominently displaying it on the official website, or sending you an email, or other means before the amendment takes effect.

5. Information provided externally

5.1 HOPPE promises not to actively share or transfer your information to any third party. If there is a need for sharing or transfer, HOPPE shall directly obtain or confirm that the third party has obtained your separate consent.

5.2 HOPPE promises not to publicly disclose your information. If disclosure is necessary, HOPPE shall inform you of the purpose of public disclosure, the type of information disclosed, and the potential information involved, and obtain your separate consent.

6. Contact

If you believe that HOPPE has not complied with the above agreement, or there are other complaints and suggestions, or issues related to the protection of the personal information of minors, you can contact HOPPE through the following methods.

* Notice: Before providing your personal data to HOPPE, please review this policy. Providing personal data to HOPPE by email is considered as consent to HOPPE’s privacy policy.

Effective Date: May 18, 2023
Update Date: May 18, 2023