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Keeping germs under control at the daycare centre

Daycare centres for children are regarded as multipliers of all kinds of infections. From the relatively harmless – but nonetheless unpleasant – viral infections associated with cold or gastrointestinal symptoms, to severe bacterial infections: anyone who has a child at a daycare centre or works there will have experienced it.

Pathogens are passed on particularly frequently at daycare centres.
Pathogens are passed on particularly frequently at daycare centres.

The many infections from daycare are particularly unpleasant for working parents: first they have to stay at home to care for the sick child, and a short time later they are often sick themselves with the same infection. If they drag themselves to the office to avoid driving up the number of sick days, thry run the risk of passing on the germs to their colleagues – and the infection spiral continues ...

Frequent illnesses in the facilities also involve a great deal of work for the daycare centre management. They must provide parents with comprehensive information (and even the health authority in the case of certain diseases such as scarlet fever, whooping cough or chickenpox), find replacements for the permanent staff who are also ill and find ways to maintain the stability of a group despite many people off sick.

So what can be done to ease the day-to-day running of daycare facilities and reduce frequent infections? The magic word is – hand hygiene! Regular hand hygiene is essential to protect yourself and others from pathogens. Even the littlest ones should learn this – it's an important part of their upbringing! There is also something else available to support daycare facilities in their fight against germs: door handles with antimicrobial and antibacterial finish from HOPPE! These are sold under the SecuSan® brand name and can make a significant contribution to halting the regular waves of illness. You can find out exactly how this works here.

They look like normal door handles, but can do much more: antimicrobial SecuSan® handles from HOPPE
They look like normal door handles, but can do much more: antimicrobial SecuSan® handles from HOPPE

SecuSan® stops germs on the door handle

SecuSan® handles do not differ visually from “normal” HOPPE handles on the door, but thanks to a special finish with silver ions, they can effectively stop the growth of germs and bacteria on the handle. Within a very short time, the germ dies – and the chain of infection is broken!

1) High bacterial load on the surface
1) High bacterial load on the surface
3) Germ is killed.
3) Germ is killed.
2) Silver ions destroy the cell membrane of the germ.
2) Silver ions destroy the cell membrane of the germ.
4) There is a significant reduction in the bacterial load on the surface.
4) There is a significant reduction in the bacterial load on the surface.

Further articles on the topic
Antibacterial / Antimicrobial Handles HOPPE

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